Let students make their own maps for class assignments! A great FREE website lets teachers sign up their students and then lets them create maps from an existing set of outline maps. Students can add colors, words, lines, keys, and icons. Icons include maps, capitals, road markings, and landmarks. Students can save, embed in a blog, or print out their map. Easy for students to access and use! Try it out!
Hi Jolene...I really enjoyed your blog tonight. I reblogged about the maps and the virtual manipulatives and plan to share them with staff at my school. Of course I gave you credit and added a link to your site. I will be back so keep on blogging. Karen www.kbkonnected.tumblr.com
Hi Jolene...I really enjoyed your blog tonight. I reblogged about the maps and the virtual manipulatives and plan to share them with staff at my school. Of course I gave you credit and added a link to your site. I will be back so keep on blogging.